A Note About Backorders
Occasionally, and especially in the fall and early winter, we will run backorders on some of our products, especially the Edge Tamers. The backorders are fulfilled on a first come, first serve basis. The Edge Tamers are produced and powder coated in batches, and so when a backorder begins, the next batch may or may not clear the entire backorder. It may just reduce the backorder size. So while it may appear the products are unavailable for a long period, it is not the case; they are just going immediately to those who have already placed orders.
For these reasons, we encourage you not to wait until we show "all clear" in deciding when to place an order. Ordering secures your spot in line, and we will be diligently working to fulfill all the orders as soon as we can. To be clear, nobody wants to clear the backorders when they occur more than we do!