Control Your Edge

Our Story
The term “R2” comes from the names of two brothers, Rob and Ryan. We live 350 miles apart, Ryan in the Northern Virginia area, Rob in the Buffalo New York area, and each of us has families with small kids. Rob focuses on this full time while Ryan has a day job, so R2 is a small business. And who knows, maybe one day it will be a big business!
Like any family business, we have our different roles. Ryan runs the website, picks up the phone (when he can), and answers emails. Rob does the manufacturing and shipping. We do this as best we can, so please be patient if it takes a day or so to return a phone call or ship an order!
The bucket protector was Rob's idea, along with the Edge Tamer™ name, and he spent a year testing them and making sure they were as bullet-proof as we could make them, before Ryan worked on the patent. While they were originally made in our shop, as things have grown we now use local trades for laser cutting, powder coating, and other areas of fabrication. We use them ourselves, and stand behind both their quality and their ability to make your life easier.
So welcome to R2 Manufacturing, and please feel free to Contact Us if you have any questions!
Rob & Ryan - The R2 Guys